Sunday, January 26, 2020
Anti Virus Uses And Benefits Computer Science Essay
Anti Virus Uses And Benefits Computer Science Essay This report presents antivirus protection, its definition and different types of. It shows how it is important of this program to protect computer. Because attacker spread viruses around the world, people need strong and effective antivirus program to prevent their computers from these viruses. In this report, will be mentioned the idea of antivirus protection types, how its work and which methods use and benefits of this program. Introduction A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. It is also used to refer to other types of malware, including to adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. In fact, the world has witnessed great development in the computer world and most of businesses have become highly dependent on the computer. Since most computers are now connected to the Internet it is increasing the chance for spreading these viruses which necessitated the presence of powerful software to protect computers from these threats. Antivirus software is a simple tool to use, but it has a large effect. It search on your computer for malicious files, viruses and spyware that are hidden somewhere. Definition and Types of Antivirus The Antivirus (or anti-virus) software is a program that used to prevent, detect, and remove malware, including computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Such programs may also prevent and remove adware, spyware, and other forms of malware. These software scan throw the PC of the computer looking for viruses to remove it before the virus start to damage the computer files. There are different types of Antivirus software that have been developed over the years to keep up with the current virus issue such as Conventional Disk Scanner, Memory Resident Scanners, Behavior Based Detection and Start up Scanners. Some of this software can be run upon the users request and others are designed to be run every time the PC id booted up (types of antivirus). 1 of 4 Top Antivirus There is a lot of Antivirus software, but they are not built with the same power. The most powerful Antivirus software is the Shield Deluxe 2011- Antivirus Protection. This antivirus company protects tens of millions of home and business users across the globe. You can set your computer to update viruses weekly and run a complete virus scan. The system can be restored after malicious activity. It controls the status of the system registry and notifies users of any suspicious objects. The second powerful antivirus software is the Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus 2011. It provides complete and easy to use protection from Internet-threats. Then the Norton Antivirus 2011 come after which provide fast, responsive defense against all types of malicious software. The new Norton Protection System employs a multilayered set of security technologies that work to detect, identify, and block attacks. There is also the Panda Antivirus 2011 which is a good choice for windows that keeps the computer protected from any Internet threats. More over there is the Zone Alarm Antivirus software which is the best virus protection with significantly enhanced detection and removal capabilities. There are also the ESET NOD32 Antivirus and mthe Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 which are good on protecting (best antivirus software). How antivirus program work 2 of 4 Antivirus programs are designed to protect computer systems from viruses. These programs provide two levels of functionality when protecting against viruses which are real time protection and scanning of files stored on computer drives or disks (Anti-virus). Antivirus programs can detect viruses by two ways. First way is Footprint of virus program and this method is a common method that used to identify viruses. Footprint is the pattern of data that include file. The purpose of this method is comparing the virus footprint with a library of known footprints that match viruses. Also when using this method, viruses must be as viruses and then added to the library of footprints. Footprint of virus program has a one disadvantage. There is a time period when the virus is released to when the library of known footprints is updated. Virus will not be recognized during this period and it could affect computer. In addition, Characteristics of program is the second way to detect virus es from computer. This method called heuristic scanning and it examines the actions that the program attempts to take or may attempt to take. It looks at the type of system function calls that included in the executable code. It looks if this calls too suspicious, may flag the program as a possible virus and ask for user intervention. As footprint method, characteristics of program have a disadvantage which is that there is no time period when the computer is not protected after specific viruses are released (Anti-virus, n.d). Benefits of Antivirus Protection Downloading or buying any antivirus software program give chance for people to buy any desktop or laptop. Antivirus program is the best safe measure to stop and minimize risk and any effects. There are various levels of security protection for PCs and they depend on the particular antivirus program offered by trusted vendors. However, there are many benefits that all antivirus programs offer. First of all, it thwarts any virus that related damage. Any antivirus program helps to prevent damaging operating system and other functionalities of the PC from any virus that PC attached. Second, antivirus program maintains PCs security. This happens by updating antivirus package or creating a firewall to improve a PCs overall security. It helps to keep operation system running and internet resource accessing and browsing experience. Third, all antivirus programs protect data and information. All information, critical data, presentations, files, documents, photos, and other material stored in the computer are secured from virus attacks infections. Finally, antivirus programs protect financial saving. Any unprotected or less protected PC is easy to attack from viruses. With effective antivirus program that protect the PC, you dont need help from technical support and loss a lot of money (Benefits of Antivirus Protection, n.d). Conclusion In sum up, the use of antivirus program is protecting computers from viruses attack. It helps to prevent data and information to be attacked. Antivirus program is software that installing to computer and use to scan PC to search any viruses can damage the computer. There are different types of Antivirus software that developed to use for production. There are many powerful antivirus programs that built with high quality of protection like Norton and MacAfee. Furthermore, this program can detect any virus by two ways which are footprint and characteristics. This kind of program has many benefits of using, it helps to prevent any virus that related damage to computer maintain CPs security and protect data and information. 3 of 4
Friday, January 17, 2020
The Importance of Processing Duplicates in an Mpi
Importance of keeping a clean and standardized MPI A clean Master Patient Index is a huge part of a successful healthcare organization. Therefor, it is very important to identify duplicate records. Duplicate records could cause major issues such as patient safety, risk management, legal, customer service, and other issues. For example duplicate lab tests could be ordered by doctors and preformed , one of the most common being radiology exams because the previous films were not available for comparison. There have been delays in surgery due to lack of available medical history due to duplicate records.Another common issue with duplicate records is the fact that initial treatment is sometimes delayed. Duplicate record management reports should be reviewed to make sure all of the duplicates have been taken care of and merged properly. One thing that we all need to remember is that the MPI is not an automated process and no particular way of repairing records takes away the human compone nt. Therefore it is important to review all possible duplicates, identify those that need more research and those that can be confirmed as true duplicates. Then verify all possible duplicates that require additional research and reconcile those records.The HIM supervisor's role in managing the duplicate processes and workflow is to assign specific tasks to specific staff members, review duplicate management reports, oversee the process of identifying duplicate records, make sure corrections are made and done correctly. They should also try to minimize the causes of duplicates, by looking for patterns. The problem may be created in a specific situation or a specific department. The HIM supervisor might also evaluate current processes for reconciliation of duplicate records and overlaid medical records. The bigger the database, the bigger the duplication problem can be.The productivity of the duplicate merging process is important to monitor to be sure there is no information being de leted or added in the process. It is also important to monitor it so there is no need to re-run and re-run the same reports to double and triple check that duplicates no longer exist. The organization should set MPI standards and processing standards, as there are no set industry standards. There are EMPI recommendations as seen in appendix A AHIMA recommended data elements. It is very important to set standards based on the recommended data elements in appendix A so that nationally and even internationally, your MPI will be asily read and understood, if needed. It is important that it be similar if not the same as other organizations' MPIs so if anyone from another facility or organization needs to access patient records from your database, it will be straight-forward. It is also a good idea to follow the same or similar procedures as other organizations so when new staff is hired or transferred, there will not be very much training needed. In closing, it is very important to keep a clean and standardized MPI for many many reasons: ease of use, patient safety, timely treatment, and transferability, not to mention billing and legal reasons.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Trade Marks Free Essay Example, 2250 words
Second, it must be distinctive that it is capable of distinguishing the goods and services of one trader from other traders’ trademarks. Third, it must be distinctive (Lee, 1999). However, section 5 of the Trade Marks Act 1994 disallows the registration of a trademark that is indistinguishable from an earlier trademark. Moreover the goods or services concerned should be identical to those with regard to which the trademark has been protected. Earlier trademarks are defined under section 6 of the Trade Marks Act 1994 (Anon. , 1994). These include, registered trademarks, international trademarks, Community trademarks whose date of application for registration is prior to that of the trademark sought to be registered, Community trademarks that can validly claim seniority from a previously registered trademark or international trademark, and trademarks that are entitled under the Paris Convention to protection as well known trademarks (Anon. , 1994). The Trademarks Registry has adopted a practical approach to this problem by declaring that graphical representation of a sign transpires, whenever the following conditions are satisfied. First, the mark should be defined with sufficient precision, so that infringement rights can be determined. We will write a custom essay sample on Trade Marks or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Second, the graphical representation should be capable of independently establishing the trademark without the necessity of additional information, such as supporting samples (Lee, 1999). The Registry made it clear that these guidelines are not common for every case. Every application will be considered on the merits of the case. For instance, the Dulux Dog mark was registered despite its simplistic description. In this instance the Trademarks Register permitted the registration of an image of an Old English Sheepdog and the Derbyshire Building Society (Lee, 1999). The Registry allows representation of shapes that are in the form of line drawings or photographs. A perfect example of this is the Coca-Cola bottle. The old Act refuses to register the shape of a bottle (Lee, 1999). The TMA, due to its pragmatic approach, had permitted the Coca Cola Company to register the shape of its bottle as a trademark. However, in our problem, trade mark for a pyramidal shape was already possessed by the renowned Toblerone chocolates. Hence, registration of the pyramidal shape for chocolate mints causes an infringement of the provisions of the Trade Marks Law. (ii) A name, "Oxford", for bicycles, which is a well – established unregistered mark recognised as a leader in its field of quality bicycles for the last twenty years.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Army s Leadership On The Emotional Side Of Leadership
According to the Army’s leadership doctrinal manual, Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 6-22, Army leadership is â€Å"the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.†The missing link within this doctrinal definition and the field manual is an all-inclusive importance on the emotional side of leadership. The ability for leaders to be aware one or check their emotions as it not only affects them, but their subordinates and organizations in successfully accomplishing missions and tasks assigned from higher headquarter elements (ADP 6-22, 2012). According to Daniel Goleman, an accomplished psychologist and author, significant elements to being a successful a leader are an ability to exercise and awareness of their emotions while understanding how their emotional capability impacts the way he leads and influences on their followers (Champoux, 2011). Army leaders are dic tated by and required to adhered to ADP 6-22 which outlines the attributes and competencies of leaders within the Army. ADP 6-22 states an Army leader is anybody who, by virtue of presumed role or assigned accountability, motivates and influences people to accomplish an organization’s goals. Leaders within the Army motivate people both inside and outside the chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking, and make decisions for the overall well-being of the organization. According to the Army’s definition,Show MoreRelatedImportance Of Religious Leadership And What It Is Not1373 Words  | 6 PagesLeadership Integration Paper The intent of this paper is to define religious leadership and what religious leadership is; what it is not. Explain how the understanding of religious leadership has changed throughout one’s career. It will also discuss roles and responsibilities of religious leadership as a company grade Chaplain and field grade Chaplain. 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