Tuesday, August 25, 2020
APTT reagent contains pathromtin and Action FS Essay
APTT reagent contains pathromtin and Action FS - Essay Example Poor checking of heparin, Heparin communicates with contact enactment pathway than tissue factor pathway, in this way making APTT not a perfect observing instrument for heaprinoid since it is inclined to nonheparin impacts. (c) (I) The most plausible analysis is hemophilia. This is on the grounds that from the reference run, APTT is unusual and we are to take a gander at the coagulation in natural pathway. Plainly irregular APTT is a consequence of variations from the norm in the IX, XI, XII and FVII. A lack in FVIII stops coagulation in this manner making clump not to shape. This makes feeble cluster structure which is helpless to thumps and knocks that will expand the degree of hemophilia, therefore the explanation the kid is having torment to his left side elbow, as there is intermittent dying. (ii) Hemophilia is illness brought about by nonstop repetitive dying. A lack in the FVIII which is a thickening component causes a coagulation not to frame in this manner coming about is fe asible tissue harm that are inclined to mechanical and fibrinolytic harm. The basic site of discharge is the weight bearing pieces of the body, for example, the elbows and knees since they bear strain on account of weight also their day by day developments are defenseless to knocks and thump that can prompt more drain. This intermittent seeping on to joints is excruciating and brings about tissue harm. As this issue endures for quite a while it might requires the substitution of the influenced joints since there will persistent compression and misfortune in development. 2. (a) When a typical neutrophil is spread with a blend of May Grunewald and Giemsa stain, the neutrophil shows up in a round or oval formed cells when watched and the cells have granulated cytoplasm and eccentric...This absorption is made out of two sections: oxidize or respiratory reaction in which it includes the actuation of non-mitochondrial oxidize catalysts that produces harmful oxygen species and the differen t procedure includes the arrival of neutrophil granule content into the ingested material. The mix of these two procedures results into a powerful executing instrument. After this, the neutro...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Overview Experiencing Windows 8 Computer Science Essay
The Overview Experiencing Windows 8 Computer Science Essay Windows 8 is the most current individual from the Windows family intended to supplant its fruitful kin, Windows 7. On the off chance that youve utilized Windows XP, Vista and 7 throughout the previous 10 years, it will set aside some effort to become accustomed to console and-mouse Windows 8 however it will develop on you on the off chance that you approach it effectively. Probably the greatest problem about Windows 8 is the expulsion of the all recognizable Start Menu. It is genuine the Start Menu has been supplanted with the Start Screen (additionally alluded to as the Metro or Modern UI) causing things look and to feel very extraordinary on early introduction. C:UsersAndrewAppDataLocalTempSNAGHTML27ac075.PNG Exactly how regularly do you utilize the Start Menu in Windows 7 and how would you use it? At the hour of composing this I have been utilizing Windows 8 for half a month and Ive utilized the new Start Screen just a bunch of times and very quickly was utilizing Windows 8 smoothly in spite of the nonappearance of the Start Menu, however as a force client I know the alternate routes around Windows to make the change simpler. On the off chance that you are stalling out I guarantee before the finish of this program you will consider what all the object was about! There are approaches to just keep away from the Start Screen in the event that you wish, in any case this wouldnt be a learning experience in the event that we didnt investigate it and its highlights only a bit. After which you can choose how you use or dont use it. Odds are on the off chance that you address something who is discontent with Windows 8 their problem will be with the Start Screen usage, we will discover this is essentially an untimely response since its utilization is discretionary. Another grievance might be the client unpleasant nature of Windows 8 on a personal computer with console and mouse. This is a to some degree authentic analysis, it is genuine Microsoft have Tablets immovably in their sights with the arrival of Windows 8 and in light of this Windows 8 normally feels great on a Tablet and somewhat remote on a PC. Its impeccably typical to have doubts about something that gives off an impression of being staggeringly extraordinary however with further introduction you will discover it is in reality fundamentally the same as Windows 7. It functions admirably on low-controlled workstations and tablets, Windows 8 is essentially quicker and more effective than Windows 7. On a more powerful work area, Windows 8 flies! http://cashback-online-casino.com/wp-content/transfers/2011/10/diverse cashback.jpg Why Windows 8? C:UsersAndrewAppDataLocalTempSNAGHTML26aa50c.PNG Windows 8 is quicker than 7 Most importantly, Microsoft stripped out a ton of what enlarged Windows releases previously. Things like DVD playback and different superfluous highlights that can without much of a stretch be included by means of outsider applications were dropped with an end goal to thin down the OS. Its to be expected, at that point, that Windows 8 uses less memory contrasted with 7. The decreased memory utilization and by and large littler impression of Windows 8 has corporate criticalness in that maturing corporate work areas can keep ticking that tad longer. On the off chance that you were at first anticipating supplanting a greater amount of your PC armada than you trusted, Windows 8 may spare your organization some OK money. Specialized language: The greatest enhancements to Windows 8 are in the engine. The new illustrations subsystem, which utilizes DirectX to render all content and windows, makes the OS increasingly responsive as you move windows or look through the Start Screen. Web Explorer 10 and Microsoft Office 2013 feel quicker, as well. Quicker beginning occasions But less noteworthy in the professional workplace, if there is one thing that irritates the home client it is trusting that Windows will boot up. Hustle just a bit darn you! Couple Windows 8 with a better than average SSD (Solid State Drive) a PC fire up of only 5-6 seconds is feasible with Windows 8 on a quick PC. A shutdown in three seconds is additionally conceivable. Microsoft returned to the planning phase to overhaul the boot procedure for speed and the thing that matters is generous. Specialized language: What they thought of was a cross breed of cold agonizing and rest mode basically the inward Windows forms use rest constantly, however the drivers fire up like they would on a virus boot. In English this just methods Windows 8 will boot up quicker than any of the past Windows OSs ever have. Truth be told a few people are griping that it boots up excessively quick, more on this can be found in the investigating area. http://www.howtogeek.com/geekers/up/sshot4e69c238a9767.jpg Remain current Windows rollouts take 12-year and a half; why fall further behind on your update cycle? Most gauges on a business movement starting with one Windows form then onto the next are hollowed at a 12 to multi month timespan. Consider this absolutely from a ROI viewpoint for a second: in the event that you havent even started a movement to Windows 7, where will you be time-wise when you at last completion? Remember that Windows 7 turned out in mid-2009 which implies on the off chance that you are considering whether to start a transition to Win 7 quite recently, you wont be done until about late 2013 if not well into 2014. Windows 7 will as of now be an OS that has been available for 4-5 years by then, which means you will be looking at your next Windows move not long from now. Contact Windows 8 offers genuine ten-point multi-contact that functions admirably. Doubtful PC clients may recall past Microsoft Tablet PC endeavors that were inconvenient and unwieldy to work with, however Windows 8 is an alternate creature out and out. Contact is an essential piece of the experience, not a rushed on bit of hindsight. An entirely different universe of applications Windows 8 gives PC clients a totally different universe of full-screen, contact neighborly, Web-associated applications to investigate. What's more, these new applications can even show pertinent data on their Windows Start Screen tiles, something unthinkable in Windows 7 or pretty much some other working framework around, spare Windows Phone. The new Windows Store-comparable to Apples iTunes App Store-makes finding and introducing these new-style applications a breeze. The update procedure is straightforward, and you can introduce bought applications on different Windows 8 gadgets without paying once more, gave youre marked in. At long last, uninstalling the applications is smoothed out by the Store, with no Registry inconveniences as in past Windows variants applications. SkyDrive mix (Cloud) Microsofts cloud administration has become way, much something beyond online capacity. Without a doubt, it despite everything allows you to spare and access records to an online space that is open from a Web program or applications that sudden spike in demand for Windows, yet in addition Mac OS X, iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. However, with Windows 8, SkyDrive is available to any application that needs to utilize it, similarly just as it were a neighborhood drive. It additionally backs up your PCs settings, letting you duplicate your condition should you get another PC. Better Security, Less-nosy updates Microsofts center around security in Windows 8 is promptly obvious. In the event that the exhibition parts of Windows 8 arent enough to influence you from 7, at that point maybe the entirety of the interest in security highlights will get you over the line. While there are beyond any reasonable amount to name in here, a couple of the most significant ones must be referenced. Specialized language: Secure Boot is a center component of Windows 8 security that fundamentally secures the OS instatement procedure to where rootkits and other well known malware will no longer have a spot to stow away. Microsoft couples approved secure firmware to help confirm the boot procedure and dispose of the secondary passage that has existed for such a long time. Windows To Go is another element that duplicates what we have come to know in the Linux world as Live CDs. How does this fit into a business utilization of Windows 8? This empowers an IT division to distribute Windows To Go controlled glimmer drives (not every single blaze drive are perfect however) to temporary workers and other momentary laborers who need access to a normalized example of Windows 8. Before, IT needed to give the equipment and programming to end clients. Less any longer. Improved Printer Driver support Tired of overseeing printer drivers? Corporate and home clients can feel for this. Windows 8 gets rid of the wreckage related with its more seasoned kin. Any individual who has attempted to deal with a cutting edge print server, its genuinely notable that making end-clients lives simpler involves a long procedure of finding legitimate drivers, testing them, and conveying them midway trusting nothing fastens up the procedure. Microsoft understood this and fabricated a completely new backend for getting Windows 8 and printers to talk. Multi-screen bolster at long last done right Corporate laborers will in general utilize numerous screens currently to complete their work. Its a basic unavoidable truth. Windows 7, while genuinely OK was never immaculate with how it took care of different screens. Beginning location was frequently hit and miss; the taskbar never entirely made sense of how to length over all screens; and moving applications between screens was some of the time an errand when impeccable situation was essential. Fortunately, Microsoft has done a lot to address the issues with different screen utilization in Windows 8. Utilizing various screens shouldnt be a task, and has been disentangled in numerous respects. For instance, you can now effectively disclose to Windows 8 to traverse the regular taskbar over the entirety of your screens. Customisation of the different work areas is huge, with the capacity to traverse enormous backdrops or have separate backdrops for each screen. You can even move Modern UI applications over to various screens just as you would prefer. Windows 7 work area remains You dont need to miss the old Windows Desktop with Windows 8. Basically press the Escape key and your back at the Desktop simply the manner in which you preferred it on 7. The Windows Desktop will look precisely equivalent to it did under Windows 7, and if youve moved up to Windows 8, it will contain all your old alternate routes. Whats changed since Windows 7? The rundown of contrasts is long however not every one of them are observable from the start. Windows 8 is basically a thinned down rendition of Windows 7 with another appearance included essentially as the new Start Screen which can seem overwhelming to some first time clients. Windows 8 has been intended to w
Friday, July 31, 2020
Three cheers for the MIT Marching Band
Three cheers for the MIT Marching Band MIT had a football game this afternoon against Worcester State. The final score was 49-6. Its apparently the worst loss in over 15 years. It was also my first football game as a member of the world-famous, nationally-renowned, often copied but never cloned, unforgettable (no matter how hard you try), super phat, super fly, one and only MIT Marching Band. Here are 10 things I remember: 1. Taking a good two minutse to cram four trumpets, a clarinet, two trombones, a snare, a bass, quads, and a sousaphone into an elevator in the student center, then playing We Are The Engineers on kazoo on the way down. The guy coming down from the fifth floor called it the most memorable elevator ride hed ever had. 2. Making up the entire show 30 minutes before the beginning of the game. In high school it used to take us two weeks of seven-hour band camp days just to get the first half down. We practiced in a courtyard with two giant columns in the way of come of our formations. 3. The show itself, which consisted of running onto the field, catching our breath to humorous effect, playing two choruses of We Are The Engineers while spelling out M I T in the drill, and then taking large bows. I tried to remember slow backup technique from my Tournament of Bands days, but eventually just gave up. 4. The incredible and indefatigable MIT Cheerleading squad, featuring the bloggable Mollie. For MIT students, theyre remarkably happy, and not too shabby at the high-flying stunts either. 5. Heckler: Hey, Ref, youre missing a good game! Snare: ::rimshot:: 6. Brian 09 and his inspired cowbell solo in the opening bars of Low Rider. Just the idea of having a cowbell soloist when youve only got 11 members in the band is pretty cool in itself. 7. The entire band shouting at a photographer for The Tech: BRYAN HEAMON! Hi! Take our picture! Thank you! 8. Ruth 07 playing quads for the first time in her life and being an absolute rock star. Turns out most of the people in the band are in the Im playing this for the first time ever boat, so Im not alone. Weve got a former piccolist or something on trombone. We really dont hold each other to very high standards of playing. 9. Apparently, were just going to add more songs to the show as the season progresses. We havent decided what though. Caroline 08, trombone, suggested that we do A Salute to Walking, since we have sheet music for Walk This Way, Walk Like An Egyptian, and Baby Elephant Walk 10. Three cheers for the MIT Marching Band concealed within the extended entry. One somewhat risque Hey, cheerleaders! What? Hey, cheerleaders! What? Shake your booty! No way! Shake your booty! Okay! Jump, shake your booty, jump jump, shake your booty! Hey, band! What? Hey, band! What? Shake your booty! No way! Shake your booty! Okay! Jump, shake your booty, jump jump, shake your booty! Hey, football players! Hey, football players! Shake your booty! Shake your booty! Screw you! One epic Gimme an M! M! Gimme an A! A! Gimme an S! S! Gimme an S! S! Gimme an A! A! Gimme a C! C! Gimme an H! H! Gimme a U! U! Gimme an S! S! Gimme an E! E! Gimme a T! T! Gimme another T! T! Gimme an S! S! Gimme a space! Space! Gimme an I! I! Gimme an N! N! Gimme an S! S! Gimme a T! T! Gimme an I! I! Gimme a T! T! Gimme an U! U! Gimme a T! T! Gimme an E! E! Gimme another space! Space! Gimme an O! O! Gimme an F! F! Gimme one last space! Spaaaace! Gimme an T! T! Gimme an E! E! Gimme an C! C! Gimme an H! H! Gimme an N! N! Gimme an O! O! Gimme an L! L! Gimme an O! O! Gimme an G! G! Gimme an Y! Y! Whats that spell? MIT! and one classic. Im a beaver, Youre a beaver, We are beavers all. And when we get together, We do the beaver call. e to the u, du / dx e to the x, dx Cosine, secant, tangent, sine 3.14159 Integral, radical, mu dv Slipstick, slide rule, MIT! GOOOOOO TECH! Thanks for the laughs, guys. See you next week.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Ethical Issues in Health - 2073 Words
Ethical Issues in Health Abortion Abortion is one of the most polarising moral issues in today’s society. It presents an ethical dilemma for many people and especially all healthcare professionals involved. Firstly, this essay will begin by briefly outlining the highly controversial issue of abortion, discuss why this topic draws fierce debate, for and against, and explain the current legal standing in the UK today. It will then move on to explain how different ethical models can be used in relation to ethical dilemmas, in particular Thiroux’s Five Principles of Ethic’s. Using this model to discuss how each principle individually applies to this contested issue it will then conclude by summarising and highlighting the main conflicts†¦show more content†¦When implementing this model within the topic of abortion the first and, for some, the uppermost principle of the value of life creates possibly one of the most relevant debates surrounding this issue. The organisation Pro-Life state that absolute respect for human life is the keystone of justice and the right to life is the most important right from which all others flow. The movement argues that even non-viable, undeveloped human life, is sacred and must be protected. Pro-Life members are diverse in economic status, race, religion, and education. They are unified by the concept that all humans, especially the innocent unborn, have an inherent right to life. One of the main reasons against abortion given by Pro-Life advocates is that life begins at conception and that, by terminating the pregnancy, causes the foetus to die. They point out that during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, when most abortions take place, a baby develops a heartbeat and elementary brain activity. It is believed that, by terminating a pregnancy, this seriously violates the human rights of the foetus and discriminates the fundamental principle of the value and right of life. This termination results in the foetus becoming a ‘silentâ₠¬â„¢ victim of murder (www.prolife.org.uk). Many people and particularly those from religious backgrounds believe that nobody has the right to kill or take a life that god has created. Others argue that ifShow MoreRelatedEthical Issues Of Health Care954 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: It is quiet common in health care profession that there is always clash between a patient’s family and health care personnel. It has been observed that few patients inevitably suffer from the consequences, that they made during the course of their care or when they are hospitalized. Many people, who need surgical procedure or diagnostic tests, are compelled to wait months, or in worst cases for few years. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Celiac Disease An Autoimmune Disorder - 1728 Words
Introduction Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder which is triggered by consumption of a dietary protein called gluten. Celiac disease causes the immune system to react abnormally to gluten. This immune response can lead to damage of the small intestines therefore causing malabsorption of vital nutrients. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley and triticale (a cross between wheat and rye). Celiac disease is also referred to as celiac sprue, gluten-sensitivity and non-tropical sprue. Gluten is not only contained in grains but it is also a hidden ingredient in a very large number of prepared foods. Celiac disease is a genetic disorder which means that the genes which predispose people to celiac disease can be passed on from parent to child in the DNA. Celiac disease is also more common among people with other genetic disorders including Down syndrome and Turner syndrome, a condition that affects girls’ development. According to the World Gastroenterology Organization, celiac disease is co mmon throughout the world and affects one in every 133 people. Among people who have a first degree relative - a parent, sibling, or child diagnosed with celiac disease, as many as 1 in 22 people may have the disease. This prevalence is much higher than that noted approximately 20 years ago. According to Health Canada, celiac disease is now recognized as one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. However, of the people with celiac disease, 97% are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.Show MoreRelatedThe, No Bread For Thanksgiving1148 Words  | 5 PagesWorld War II that a cause was attributed to â€Å"Gee-Herter’s disease†â€â€the name of this unusual disorder. A shortage of grain led a Dutch pediatrician, Willem-Karel Dicke, to draw the conclusion that wheat was the culprit (Gut). He made this connection when the death rate of children with this disease went from about 35% to 0% during the grain shortage (Sanghavi). Today, Gee-Herter’s diseas e, more commonly known as coeliac or celiac disease, is better understood. Advanced methods in molecular biologyRead MoreGluten-Free Cause and Effect1062 Words  | 5 PagesIn 2006, my mom and I were both diagnosed with Celiac Disease. This has been a huge struggle of ours and continues to be an ongoing battle. We have thoroughly researched the cause and effects of celiac disease. It all begins with gluten being the culprit. Eating gluten for people with celiac disease can be time consuming, expensive, and can cause numerous health issues. Originally, the human species lived depending only on animal protein, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. It wasn’t until approximatelyRead MoreCeliac Disease941 Words  | 4 PagesCeliac disease: an often missed diagnosis Commonly referred to as wheat allergy, celiac disease is not an allergic disorder; rather it is actually intolerance to gluten, a protein in wheat. It is also known as celiac sprue, nontropical sprue and gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Celiac disease occurs in people who have a genetic susceptibility. It was considered a north European disease initially but now it has a high prevalence in all the continents. In north- India it affects 1 in 200-300 individualsRead MoreCeliac Disease955 Words  | 4 PagesCeliac disease: an often missed diagnosis Commonly referred to as wheat allergy, celiac disease is not an allergic disorder; rather it is actually intolerance to gluten, a protein in wheat. It is also known as celiac sprue, nontropical sprue and gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Celiac disease occurs in people who have a genetic susceptibility. It was considered a north European disease initially but now it has a high prevalence in all the continents. In north- India it affects 1 in 200-300 individualsRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Autoimmune Diseases834 Words  | 4 Pagesof autoimmune diseases Autoimmune diseases are caused by auto-antibodies, according to auto-antibodies can be divided into: organ-specific, which affects one organ; non-organ specific, which are a multisystem disease. 2.1. Organ-specific 2.1.1. Autoimmune thyroid diseases They are a common cause of thyroid disorders and it is caused by auto-antibodies against the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSH), intracytoplasmic antigen or thyroglobulin. s disease Grave s disease is theRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Celiac Disease1068 Words  | 5 Pages Celiac disease (CD) is defined as a chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by small intestine mucosal damage in response to the ingestion of dietary gluten (proteins found in wheat, barley, and rye) in genetically predisposed individuals that improves with strict adherence to a gluten-free diet (Kelly, et al., 2015; Woodward, 2016; Meyer Rosenblum, 2016; Isaac, et al. 2016; Hill, 2016). Ludvigsson, et al. (2013) explain that while the symptoms of celiac disease have been described in medicalRead MoreUnit 21 - Nutrition1119 Words  | 5 Pagesindividual. Factors such as medical disorders, personal preference, lifestyle and cultural factors. MEDICAL DISORDERS There are many underlying health conditions that result in an individual having to alternate their dietary intake. It’s always important that an individual eats healthy, but because of not being able to eat certain foods because of medical disorders eating balanced and even healthy becomes more complicated. An individual can be having a medical disorder that can determine their diet;Read MorePathophysiology Of Celiac Disease Of Gluten, Wheat, Barley, And Rye1476 Words  | 6 PagesPATHOPHYSIOLOGY Celiac disease is an enteropathy mediated by an autoimmune response to gluten, a protein complex found in the endosperm of wheat, barley, and rye.1 The immune response is triggered by both environmental and genetic factors in individuals susceptible to the disease resulting in elevated levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies to tissue transglutaminase (tTG), duodenal mucosal villi atrophy, and the inability of tight junctions to properly act as a barrier between the gastrointestinalRead MoreCoexistence of Autoimmune Disease with Type I Diabetes Mellitus in Libyan Patients2041 Words  | 8 PagesMATERIAL AND METHODS The prospective clinical study was undertaken on 849 patients admitted in endocrine department of Tripoli Medical Center from December 2007 to July 2008. From the patients files, the concomitant disease presence or absence was also recorded; especially with reference thyroid function. The important investigations as prescribed by the physician were also recorded. patient’s serum level of T4, T3, FT4, FT3 and TSH were measured for 748 patients. The venous blood samples wereRead MoreSummary Of Shackled By Celiac Disease Essay1655 Words  | 7 PagesShackled by Celiac Disease As a tear slips down her cheek, five-year-old Addi continues with her hair-raising screams. For two nights now, she has had miserable abdominal pain. Clueless as to why, her helpless mother tries to soothe her frazzled daughter. Switching her diet, checking her stool, watching her closely, mom finds nothing out of the ordinary. So the question remains, what is wrong? Why these sudden sleepless nights? After reading a medical website or paper, you miraculously come to the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The modernization of these economies involved allowing Free Essays
The term ‘Asian Tigers’ refer to the Asian countries of South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. These nations have experienced massive economic growth figures due to their policies on key economic areas. These policies involve allowing for free market trade to allowing for investments by foreign firms. We will write a custom essay sample on The modernization of these economies involved allowing or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, the respective Governments have over time interfered with the trade between these nations and other trading partners so as to protect the interests of their nations (Seyoum 2000, p.61). This allows for a favorable balance of trade leading to an increase in the budget amounts that will be used to provide basic necessities to the people. The modernization of these economies involved allowing for free trade to take place, imposing low import barriers and scouting for foreign direct investment so as to increase on their national output and acquire the necessary infrastructure for the production of quality products for importation . From an economic perspective, supply creates its own demand thus letting the market forces to determine output and prices. South Korea restricts the importation of products by imposing strict barriers like the issuing of permits to importers which hindered the basic economic principle from determining the nations’ trade. This was seen as a move to protect the local market from foreigners who would exploit the market. To promote the export sector, the government provided goodies to the exporting firms that included establishing export processing zones and reducing taxes paid by this firms ( Amsden 1999, p.49) Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan did not fully restrict imports and foreign investors as the governments saw it as a way of partnering strategically with other nations for economic development. Singapore allowed for imports from few countries like India that provided raw materials that were not available for example cotton. It also allowed for free trade with the United States under a free trade agreement that was implemented in 2003 that involved the exportation of textiles (Sharma 2003, p. 123). For foreign investment, Singapore restricted investments for foreigners for the sake of protecting its local skilled labor. By allowing investments from abroad, the government viewed it as a way of increasing unemployment levels in the nation since most foreigners will come along with their skilled labourers and recruit just but a few semi-skilled employees locally. Therefore, Singapore considered having strategic partners for its economic growth. How to cite The modernization of these economies involved allowing, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Influence Of Solitary Neglect On The Development Essays
The Influence Of Solitary Neglect On The Development England established colonies in America to provide them with raw materials. England passed the Navigation Acts to enforce mercantilism. During the seventeen hundreds England was suffering from many hardships. England became preoccupied and could not enforce the Navigation Acts. This was known as a period of solitary neglect. Solitary neglect influenced the development of American society. Its influence can be seen in America's legislative assemblies, commerce, and religion. By seventeen-fifty Colonial America was governed by the colonist. Although England still owned the colonies, the colonist reacted to the colonial government rather than England. Many colonies in the New World passed acts, which allowed them to be self-governed. The pilgrims in Plymouth signed the Mayflower Compact, which said they would rule themselves although they are a colony of England. Virginia established the House of Burgesses and a representative democracy. A representative democracy means citizens vote on the person they want to represent them. Connecticut wrote a document entitled ?The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. This reinforced self-government and the ideas of representative government. England had a mercantilist economy. Mercantilism means, governmental control is exercised over industry and trade in accordance with the theory that national strength is increased by a majority of exports over imports. They established colonies in America to provide England with raw materials. The mother country brought the raw materials from the colonies and manufactured them. They then sold the new manufactured goods back to the colonies at a high price in order to create revenue. England passed the Navigation Acts to enforce mercantilism. Navigation acts were legislation passed by the English Parliament in the 17th and 18th centuries to promote and protect English industry and commerce against foreign competition. The Navigation acts consisted of three parts. The first part said trades two and from the colonies must be made on English or Colonial built ships. The second said that all goods in imported into the colonies must go through England. The third part said that there were c ertain goods called enumerated goods that could be only exported to England. Eventually all colonial goods would be enumerated. Due to England's neglect of enforcing the Navigation acts the colonist engaged in smuggling. In sixteen eighty-eight England established the Dominion of New England, which was lead by Edmund Andros. He was sent to the New World to enforce the Navigation Acts. The Dominion of New England was abandoned when William and Mary overthrew King James II. Religious toleration became a major characteristic of colonial America. England failed to mandate the Anglican Religion in all colonies. As a result many religions developed. Moreover many colonies passed toleration acts such as Maryland, which passed an act that provided for religious freedom. Due to this people of many religions, such as Quakers and Roman Catholics, settled in the colonies. The middle colonies had the most diverse religious group. This contributed to Americas distinct makeup and aided it in becoming more unlike England. In conclusion England's Solitary neglect influenced the development of American society. Politically the colonies were given too much freedom by England to govern themselves. This eventually lead to the Americas resistance toward England. Economically England's neglect of the Navigation acts allowed the colonist to illegally control trade to and from America. Religiously America's religious toleration led to its distinct traits and made it more different from England. History Essays
Friday, March 20, 2020
Majoring in Public Relations
Majoring in Public Relations Public relations is a worthwhile specialization for business majors who have an interest in marketing, advertising, and communication. Public relations (PR) professionals have the important responsibility of nurturing relationships between a company and its clients, customers, shareholders, the media, and other important parties central to a business. Nearly every industry employs public relations managers, which means that opportunities abound for individuals with a PR degree. Public Relations Degree Options There are public relations degree options at every level of study: Associate Program - This undergraduate program lasts for two years and can be found at many small community colleges. Programs at this level commonly have a lot of general education classes and a small number of specialized classes in communications or public relations. Bachelor Program - This undergraduate program lasts for four years and can be found at most colleges and universities. Programs typically include a mix of general education courses and public relations courses. Some schools allow students to customize their education with specialized electives. Masters Program - This graduate program is for students who have already earned an undergraduate degree; it typically lasts two years and can be found at graduate schools and business schools. Masters programs, particularly MBA programs, commonly feature core business courses along with specialized courses in public relations. Many programs include opportunities for hands-on experiences. Business majors interested in working in the public relations field will be well-served with a four-year undergraduate degree. Most employment opportunities require at least a bachelors degree. However, there are some students who get their start by earning an associates degree with a specialization in communications or public relations. A masters degree or an MBA degree is advisable for students interested in a high-up position, such as a supervisory or specialist position. A dual MBA degree in public relations and advertising or public relations and marketing may also be beneficial. Finding a Public Relations Program Business majors interested in pursuing a public relations specialization should have no problem locating degree programs at any level. Use the following tips to find the right program for you. Look for a program that is accredited. Accreditation ensures a quality education and improves your chances of career success.Look at ranking lists from organizations like U.S. News World Report to see which public relations programs are considered among the best,If youre interested in working for a specific company, do some research to see which schools that company typically recruits from. Public Relations Coursework Business majors who want to work in public relations will need to learn how to create, implement, and follow through with a public relations campaign. Courses will generally center on topics like: MarketingAdvertisingCommunicationsPromotional writingSpeech writingMedia planningCreative strategy StatisticsEthics Working in Public Relations Public relations professionals can work for a specific company or for a PR firm that handles a wide variety of companies. Applicants with a respected degree and a good understanding of various marketing concepts will have the best job opportunities. To learn more about working in public relations, visit the Public Relations Society of America website. The PRSA is the world’s largest organization of public relations professionals. Membership is open to recent college graduates and seasoned professionals. Members have access to educational and career resources as well as networking opportunities. Common Job Titles Some of the most common job titles in the public relations field include: Promotions Assistant - A promotions or advertising assistants handle communications and work on promotional campaigns.Public Relations Specialist - PR or media specialists work with the media and help clients communicate with the public. Public Relations Manager - Public relations managers or directors supervise PR departments. They perform many of the same duties as PR specialists.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Andrew Cunningham - Admiral Andrew Cunningham - World War II - Royal Navy
Andrew Cunningham - Admiral Andrew Cunningham - World War II - Royal Navy Andrew Cunningham - Early Life Career: Andrew Browne Cunningham was born January 7, 1883, outside Dublin, Ireland. The son of anatomy professor Daniel Cunningham and his wife Elizabeth, the Cunninghams family was of Scottish extraction. Largely raised by his mother, he began schooling in Ireland before being sent to Scotland to attend the Edinburgh Academy. At the age of ten, he accepted his fathers offer of pursuing a naval career and left Edinburgh to enter the Naval Preparatory School at Stubbington House. In 1897, Cunningham was accepted as a cadet in the Royal Navy and assigned to the training school aboard HMS Britannia at Dartmouth. Highly interested in seamanship, he proved a strong student and graduated 10th in a class of 68 the following April. Ordered to HMS Doris as a midshipman, Cunningham traveled to the Cape of Good Hope. While there, the Second Boer War began ashore. Believing there to be opportunity for advancement on land, he transferred to the Naval Brigade and saw action in Pretoria and Diamond Hill. Returning to sea, Cunningham moved through several ships before commencing sub-lieutenants courses at Portsmouth and Greenwich. Passing, he was promoted and assigned to HMS Implacable. Andrew Cunningham - World War I: Promoted to lieutenant in 1904, Cunningham passed through several peacetime postings before receiving his first command, HM Torpedo Boat #14 four years later. In 1911, Cunningham was placed in command of the destroyer HMS Scorpion. Aboard at the outbreak of World War I, he took part in the failed pursuit of the German battlecruiser SMS Goeben and cruiser SMS Breslau. Remaining in the Mediterranean, Scorpion participated in the early 1915 attack on the Dardanelles at the beginning of the Gallipoli Campaign. For his performance, Cunningham was promoted to commander and received the Distinguished Service Order. Over the next two years, Cunningham took part in routine patrol and convoy duty in the Mediterranean. Seeking action, he requested a transfer and returned to Britain in January 1918. Given command of HMS Termagent in Vice Admiral Roger Keyes Dover Patrol, he performed well and earned a bar for his DSO. With the end of the war, Cunningham moved to HMS Seafire and in 1919 received orders to sail for the Baltic. Serving under Rear Admiral Walter Cowan, he worked to keep the sea lanes open to newly independent Estonia and Latvia. For this service he was awarded a second bar for his DSO. Andrew Cunningham - Interwar Years: Promoted to captain in 1920, Cunningham moved through a number of senior destroyer commands and later served as Fleet Captain and Chief of Staff to Cowan in the North America and West Indies Squadron. He also attended the Army Senior Officers School and the Imperial Defense College. Upon completing the latter, he received his first major command, the battleship HMS Rodney. In September 1932, Cunningham was elevated to rear admiral and made Aide-de-Camp to King George V. Returning to the Mediterranean Fleet the following year, he oversaw its destroyers which relentlessly trained in ship handling. Raised to vice admiral in 1936, he was made second in command of the Mediterranean Fleet and placed in charge of its battlecruisers. Highly regarded by the Admiralty, Cunningham received orders to return to Britain in 1938 to assume the post of Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff. Taking this position in December, he was knighted the following month. Performing well in London, Cunningham received his dream posting on June 6, 1939, when he was made commander of the Mediterranean Fleet. Hoisting his flag aboard HMS Warspite, he began planning for operations against the Italian Navy in case of war. Andrew Cunningham - World War II: With the beginning of World War II in September 1939, Cunninghams primary focus became protecting the convoys that supplied British forces in Malta and Egypt. With the defeat of France in June 1940, Cunningham was forced to enter into tense negotiations with Admiral Rene-Emile Godfroy regarding the status of the French squadron at Alexandria. These talks were complicated when the French admiral learned of the British attack on Mers-el-Kebir. Through skillful diplomacy, Cunningham succeeded in convincing the French to allow their ships to be interned and their men repatriated. Though his fleet had won several engagements against the Italians, Cunningham sought to dramatically alter the strategic situation and reduce the threat to Allied convoys. Working with the Admiralty, a daring plan was conceived which called for a nighttime air strike against the Italian fleets anchorage at Taranto. Moving forward on November 11-12, 1940, Cunninghams fleet approached the Italian base and launched torpedo planes from HMS Illustrious. A success, the Taranto Raid sank one battleship and badly damaged two more. The raid was extensively studied by the Japanese when planning their attack on Pearl Harbor. In late March 1941, under heavy pressure from Germany to halt the Allied convoys, the Italian fleet sortied under the command of Admiral Angelo Iachino. Informed of enemy movements by Ultra radio intercepts, Cunningham met the Italians and won a decisive victory at the Battle of Cape Matapan on March 27-29. In the battle, three Italian heavy cruisers were sunk and a battleship damaged in exchange for three British killed. That May, following the Allied defeat on Crete, Cunningham successfully rescued over 16,000 men from the island despite taking heavy losses from Axis aircraft. Andrew Cunningham - Later War: In April 1942, with the United States now in the war, Cunningham was appointed to the naval staff mission to Washington, DC and built a strong relationship with the Commander-in-Chief of the US Fleet, Admiral Ernest King. As a result of these meetings, he was given command of the Allied Expeditionary Force, under General Dwight D. Eisenhower, for the Operation Torch landings in North Africa late that fall. Promoted to admiral of the fleet, he returned to the Mediterranean Fleet in February 1943, and worked tirelessly to ensure that no Axis forces would escape from North Africa. With the conclusion of the campaign, he again served under Eisenhower in commanding the naval elements of the invasion of Sicily in July 1943 and the landings in Italy that September. With the collapse of Italy, he was present at Malta on September 10 to witness the formal surrender of the Italian fleet. Following the death of the First Sea Lord, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley Pound, Cunningham was appointed to the post on October 21. Returning to London, he served as a member of the Chiefs of Staff committee and provided overall strategic direction for the Royal Navy. In this role, Cunningham attended the major conferences at Cairo, Tehran, Quebec, Yalta and Potsdam during which plans for the invasion of Normandy and defeat of Japan were formulated. Cunningham remained First Sea Lord through the end of the war until his retirement in May 1946. Andrew Cunningham - Later Life: For his wartime service, Cunningham was created Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope. Retiring to Bishops Waltham in Hampshire, he lived in a house that he and his wife, Nona Byatt (m. 1929), had purchased before the war. During his retirement, he held several ceremonial titles including Lord High Steward at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Cunningham died at London on June 12, 1963, and was buried at sea off Portsmouth. A bust was unveiled in Trafalgar Square in London on April 2, 1967 by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh in his honor. Selected Sources History of War: Admiral Andrew Cunningham Royal Navy Museum: Andrew Cunningham
Monday, February 17, 2020
CODE OF ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
CODE OF ETHICS - Essay Example I hope that the code of ethics that I have come up with would be of interest to you and inspire others who have plans to be a healthcare associate. Sincerely yours, Name of Student My Code of Ethics as a Healthcare Associate A healthcare professional is a person that people trust to provide them not only with medical attention but also treatment that is fair and appropriate according to the policies and laws governing healthcare. Therefore, as an ethical healthcare professional, I will ensure that I meet, if not exceed, the statements below in practicing my profession. I. To practice integrity and respect at all times ensuring that I uphold the values and regulations set by the healthcare system that I work for. II. To avoid exploitation of one’s position in order to achieve financial or personal gain at the expense of others. III. To value the trust given by the people and retreat from transactions or activities that could affect or have a negative impact on the healthcare sy stem or the profession. IV. To treat everyone fairly and avoid discrimination at all times. V. To take on jobs that one can proficiently handle and has ample knowledge on based on trainings and experience on the subject. VI. To establish trust from patients as well as colleagues by helping in providing an environment that is safe and free from harassment, violations and any actions that give off a negative light on the system. VII. To provide sufficient information to patients to enable them make an informed decision regarding their health. VIII. To be truthful and honest in all forms of transactions with employees and patients. IX. To report any abuse on these codes to the ethics committee. As a healthcare practitioner, it is very important to adhere to the policies set by the healthcare system that one works for. Codes of ethics are in place for a reason (Dominion, 2010). By practicing integrity and respect not only to patients but also to colleagues, the environment becomes such that the transactions and/or interactions with everyone is done with integrity, respect for life and other’s opinions and preferences. It is sometimes unavoidable for people in position to exploit the power they have over others. It is very important that the people who can do something remain honest and with integrity so that the healthcare system continues to be trusted by the public. Using one’s power in order to advance another is not only selfish but also wrong. (American College of Healthcare Executives [ACHE], 1996) It sheds a negative image on the healthcare system and its workers. Therefore, when one can be paid off or be coerced whether by money or by other means, it becomes something that in very untrustworthy. One of the most important factors in this type of business is trust, therefore, by being fair and just, trust can be established. Earning the trust of patients is a little difficult since one has to establish credibility not only on giving them the co rrect solution to their concerns but also in keeping their confidences. Patients must have the peace of mind that their concerns or issues are kept at the strictest confidence and that it will not be disclosed to anyone else at any cost. (ACHE, 1996) This same principle goes to
Monday, February 3, 2020
Management and Leadership Situations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Management and Leadership Situations - Essay Example The concept of the world under one umbrella (Globalization) has liberalized the management principles also. Management styles and methodologies have undergone drastic changes over the past two decades because of the introduction of scientific management theories in the organizations. Most of the autocratic approaches have given way to democratic approaches. Business is more oriented towards building relationships between the organization and the employees and also with the organization and the customers or public. The relationship between the employees and the organization should be in good condition for the growth of the organization. The employees should feel happy about the working conditions and the wages in order to deliver maximum productivity. If any damages caused, to the employee- organization ties up, the business may badly affect. On the other hand in some situations, the management may be forced to implement certain strategies for the benefit of the organization which may result in increased workload for the employees. Consider the following case. Your store is having an after holiday sale. All merchandise will be discounted 50% in order to make up for money lost before the holidays because of the weak economy. The store must close at its’ usual time of 10 pm so not to turn away customers but will reopen at 6 AM the following day. Although the staff is tired from a 12 hour day, they must stay past their assigned shift to complete a merchandise inventory and discount the merchandise before the opening the next day. What should the manager do?
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Anti Virus Uses And Benefits Computer Science Essay
Anti Virus Uses And Benefits Computer Science Essay This report presents antivirus protection, its definition and different types of. It shows how it is important of this program to protect computer. Because attacker spread viruses around the world, people need strong and effective antivirus program to prevent their computers from these viruses. In this report, will be mentioned the idea of antivirus protection types, how its work and which methods use and benefits of this program. Introduction A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. It is also used to refer to other types of malware, including to adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. In fact, the world has witnessed great development in the computer world and most of businesses have become highly dependent on the computer. Since most computers are now connected to the Internet it is increasing the chance for spreading these viruses which necessitated the presence of powerful software to protect computers from these threats. Antivirus software is a simple tool to use, but it has a large effect. It search on your computer for malicious files, viruses and spyware that are hidden somewhere. Definition and Types of Antivirus The Antivirus (or anti-virus) software is a program that used to prevent, detect, and remove malware, including computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Such programs may also prevent and remove adware, spyware, and other forms of malware. These software scan throw the PC of the computer looking for viruses to remove it before the virus start to damage the computer files. There are different types of Antivirus software that have been developed over the years to keep up with the current virus issue such as Conventional Disk Scanner, Memory Resident Scanners, Behavior Based Detection and Start up Scanners. Some of this software can be run upon the users request and others are designed to be run every time the PC id booted up (types of antivirus). 1 of 4 Top Antivirus There is a lot of Antivirus software, but they are not built with the same power. The most powerful Antivirus software is the Shield Deluxe 2011- Antivirus Protection. This antivirus company protects tens of millions of home and business users across the globe. You can set your computer to update viruses weekly and run a complete virus scan. The system can be restored after malicious activity. It controls the status of the system registry and notifies users of any suspicious objects. The second powerful antivirus software is the Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus 2011. It provides complete and easy to use protection from Internet-threats. Then the Norton Antivirus 2011 come after which provide fast, responsive defense against all types of malicious software. The new Norton Protection System employs a multilayered set of security technologies that work to detect, identify, and block attacks. There is also the Panda Antivirus 2011 which is a good choice for windows that keeps the computer protected from any Internet threats. More over there is the Zone Alarm Antivirus software which is the best virus protection with significantly enhanced detection and removal capabilities. There are also the ESET NOD32 Antivirus and mthe Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 which are good on protecting (best antivirus software). How antivirus program work 2 of 4 Antivirus programs are designed to protect computer systems from viruses. These programs provide two levels of functionality when protecting against viruses which are real time protection and scanning of files stored on computer drives or disks (Anti-virus). Antivirus programs can detect viruses by two ways. First way is Footprint of virus program and this method is a common method that used to identify viruses. Footprint is the pattern of data that include file. The purpose of this method is comparing the virus footprint with a library of known footprints that match viruses. Also when using this method, viruses must be as viruses and then added to the library of footprints. Footprint of virus program has a one disadvantage. There is a time period when the virus is released to when the library of known footprints is updated. Virus will not be recognized during this period and it could affect computer. In addition, Characteristics of program is the second way to detect virus es from computer. This method called heuristic scanning and it examines the actions that the program attempts to take or may attempt to take. It looks at the type of system function calls that included in the executable code. It looks if this calls too suspicious, may flag the program as a possible virus and ask for user intervention. As footprint method, characteristics of program have a disadvantage which is that there is no time period when the computer is not protected after specific viruses are released (Anti-virus, n.d). Benefits of Antivirus Protection Downloading or buying any antivirus software program give chance for people to buy any desktop or laptop. Antivirus program is the best safe measure to stop and minimize risk and any effects. There are various levels of security protection for PCs and they depend on the particular antivirus program offered by trusted vendors. However, there are many benefits that all antivirus programs offer. First of all, it thwarts any virus that related damage. Any antivirus program helps to prevent damaging operating system and other functionalities of the PC from any virus that PC attached. Second, antivirus program maintains PCs security. This happens by updating antivirus package or creating a firewall to improve a PCs overall security. It helps to keep operation system running and internet resource accessing and browsing experience. Third, all antivirus programs protect data and information. All information, critical data, presentations, files, documents, photos, and other material stored in the computer are secured from virus attacks infections. Finally, antivirus programs protect financial saving. Any unprotected or less protected PC is easy to attack from viruses. With effective antivirus program that protect the PC, you dont need help from technical support and loss a lot of money (Benefits of Antivirus Protection, n.d). Conclusion In sum up, the use of antivirus program is protecting computers from viruses attack. It helps to prevent data and information to be attacked. Antivirus program is software that installing to computer and use to scan PC to search any viruses can damage the computer. There are different types of Antivirus software that developed to use for production. There are many powerful antivirus programs that built with high quality of protection like Norton and MacAfee. Furthermore, this program can detect any virus by two ways which are footprint and characteristics. This kind of program has many benefits of using, it helps to prevent any virus that related damage to computer maintain CPs security and protect data and information. 3 of 4
Friday, January 17, 2020
The Importance of Processing Duplicates in an Mpi
Importance of keeping a clean and standardized MPI A clean Master Patient Index is a huge part of a successful healthcare organization. Therefor, it is very important to identify duplicate records. Duplicate records could cause major issues such as patient safety, risk management, legal, customer service, and other issues. For example duplicate lab tests could be ordered by doctors and preformed , one of the most common being radiology exams because the previous films were not available for comparison. There have been delays in surgery due to lack of available medical history due to duplicate records.Another common issue with duplicate records is the fact that initial treatment is sometimes delayed. Duplicate record management reports should be reviewed to make sure all of the duplicates have been taken care of and merged properly. One thing that we all need to remember is that the MPI is not an automated process and no particular way of repairing records takes away the human compone nt. Therefore it is important to review all possible duplicates, identify those that need more research and those that can be confirmed as true duplicates. Then verify all possible duplicates that require additional research and reconcile those records.The HIM supervisor's role in managing the duplicate processes and workflow is to assign specific tasks to specific staff members, review duplicate management reports, oversee the process of identifying duplicate records, make sure corrections are made and done correctly. They should also try to minimize the causes of duplicates, by looking for patterns. The problem may be created in a specific situation or a specific department. The HIM supervisor might also evaluate current processes for reconciliation of duplicate records and overlaid medical records. The bigger the database, the bigger the duplication problem can be.The productivity of the duplicate merging process is important to monitor to be sure there is no information being de leted or added in the process. It is also important to monitor it so there is no need to re-run and re-run the same reports to double and triple check that duplicates no longer exist. The organization should set MPI standards and processing standards, as there are no set industry standards. There are EMPI recommendations as seen in appendix A AHIMA recommended data elements. It is very important to set standards based on the recommended data elements in appendix A so that nationally and even internationally, your MPI will be asily read and understood, if needed. It is important that it be similar if not the same as other organizations' MPIs so if anyone from another facility or organization needs to access patient records from your database, it will be straight-forward. It is also a good idea to follow the same or similar procedures as other organizations so when new staff is hired or transferred, there will not be very much training needed. In closing, it is very important to keep a clean and standardized MPI for many many reasons: ease of use, patient safety, timely treatment, and transferability, not to mention billing and legal reasons.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Trade Marks Free Essay Example, 2250 words
Second, it must be distinctive that it is capable of distinguishing the goods and services of one trader from other traders’ trademarks. Third, it must be distinctive (Lee, 1999). However, section 5 of the Trade Marks Act 1994 disallows the registration of a trademark that is indistinguishable from an earlier trademark. Moreover the goods or services concerned should be identical to those with regard to which the trademark has been protected. Earlier trademarks are defined under section 6 of the Trade Marks Act 1994 (Anon. , 1994). These include, registered trademarks, international trademarks, Community trademarks whose date of application for registration is prior to that of the trademark sought to be registered, Community trademarks that can validly claim seniority from a previously registered trademark or international trademark, and trademarks that are entitled under the Paris Convention to protection as well known trademarks (Anon. , 1994). The Trademarks Registry has adopted a practical approach to this problem by declaring that graphical representation of a sign transpires, whenever the following conditions are satisfied. First, the mark should be defined with sufficient precision, so that infringement rights can be determined. We will write a custom essay sample on Trade Marks or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Second, the graphical representation should be capable of independently establishing the trademark without the necessity of additional information, such as supporting samples (Lee, 1999). The Registry made it clear that these guidelines are not common for every case. Every application will be considered on the merits of the case. For instance, the Dulux Dog mark was registered despite its simplistic description. In this instance the Trademarks Register permitted the registration of an image of an Old English Sheepdog and the Derbyshire Building Society (Lee, 1999). The Registry allows representation of shapes that are in the form of line drawings or photographs. A perfect example of this is the Coca-Cola bottle. The old Act refuses to register the shape of a bottle (Lee, 1999). The TMA, due to its pragmatic approach, had permitted the Coca Cola Company to register the shape of its bottle as a trademark. However, in our problem, trade mark for a pyramidal shape was already possessed by the renowned Toblerone chocolates. Hence, registration of the pyramidal shape for chocolate mints causes an infringement of the provisions of the Trade Marks Law. (ii) A name, "Oxford", for bicycles, which is a well – established unregistered mark recognised as a leader in its field of quality bicycles for the last twenty years.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Army s Leadership On The Emotional Side Of Leadership
According to the Army’s leadership doctrinal manual, Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 6-22, Army leadership is â€Å"the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.†The missing link within this doctrinal definition and the field manual is an all-inclusive importance on the emotional side of leadership. The ability for leaders to be aware one or check their emotions as it not only affects them, but their subordinates and organizations in successfully accomplishing missions and tasks assigned from higher headquarter elements (ADP 6-22, 2012). According to Daniel Goleman, an accomplished psychologist and author, significant elements to being a successful a leader are an ability to exercise and awareness of their emotions while understanding how their emotional capability impacts the way he leads and influences on their followers (Champoux, 2011). Army leaders are dic tated by and required to adhered to ADP 6-22 which outlines the attributes and competencies of leaders within the Army. ADP 6-22 states an Army leader is anybody who, by virtue of presumed role or assigned accountability, motivates and influences people to accomplish an organization’s goals. Leaders within the Army motivate people both inside and outside the chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking, and make decisions for the overall well-being of the organization. According to the Army’s definition,Show MoreRelatedImportance Of Religious Leadership And What It Is Not1373 Words  | 6 PagesLeadership Integration Paper The intent of this paper is to define religious leadership and what religious leadership is; what it is not. Explain how the understanding of religious leadership has changed throughout one’s career. It will also discuss roles and responsibilities of religious leadership as a company grade Chaplain and field grade Chaplain. 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